Congratulations to Arthur C. Nelson for 50 years of service to the planning profession! I was honored to contribute an article on the future of the comprehensive plan to a special edition of Georgia State University’s Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy celebrating his many professional accomplishments.
Financing Green Infrastructure: Lessons from the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Written by David Rouse with support from Econsult Solutions, Inc., this International City-County Management Association (ICMA) report provides guidance for small to mid-sized communities on how to develop a green infrastructure financing program.
Read an Excerpt from The Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 1 is the introduction to The Comprehensive Plan: Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Communities for the 21st Century, by David Rouse and Rocky Piro.
How Can Communities Succeed in the New Normal?
The 21st century is a time of accelerating change with profound implications for local communities. As we look towards 2022 amidst an uncertain recovery complicated by new variants of COVID-19, now the time to prepare for the shocks and stresses that the future will bring.
Nature in the Smart City
This piece is excerpted from Smart Cities: Integrating Technology, Community, and Nature, a PAS Report published by the American Planning Association. The report is available for download on the APA website.
Green Infrastructure and Climate Change: A One Water Approach
I co-wrote this article with Scott Turner, PE, AICP, LEED AP ND, Director of Planning at Environmental Partners in Quincy, MA, for the American Planning Association’s Water and Planning Network.
Planning the Hyperconnected City
This post was first published on the Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) website on March 6, 2020. It provides my thoughts on ESI Thoughtlab’s global research initiative, Building a Hyperconnected City.
What Is Ecological Landscape Design?
Ecological landscape design draws on the principles of landscape ecology to create landscapes that evolve and sustain themselves over time, providing ecosystem services and benefits for people and other species. (Image: Randall’s Island, New York City)
How Can Communities Plan for Technological Change?
This article addresses the disruptive effects of current technological trends and suggests an approach that communities might use to navigate technological change in an increasingly uncertain world. (Image credit: American Planning Association)