Intergenerational community placemaking creates settings that provide opportunities for people of all ages to connect with each other, at scales ranging from individual buildings or sites to neighborhoods, community, and beyond.
City of Lancaster Comprehensive Plan
2023 marked a significant milestone for the City of Lancaster, PA: it adopted Our Future Lancaster, its first comprehensive plan in 30 years. I was honored to play a small role in developing the plan as a consultant to the city.
Are Planners Systems Thinkers?
Planners like to say we are systems thinkers. Given its comprehensive scope and crosscutting characteristics, planning would seem to lend itself to holistic (as opposed to piecemeal or linear) approaches compared to narrower, more specialized professions. But do planners really apply systems thinking in a rigorous way in planning practice?
The Future of Planning
Congratulations to Arthur C. Nelson for 50 years of service to the planning profession! I was honored to contribute an article on the future of the comprehensive plan to a special edition of Georgia State University’s Journal of Comparative Urban Law and Policy celebrating his many professional accomplishments.
Read an Excerpt from The Comprehensive Plan
Chapter 1 is the introduction to The Comprehensive Plan: Sustainable, Resilient, and Equitable Communities for the 21st Century, by David Rouse and Rocky Piro.
What Makes a Comprehensive Plan Effective?
An effective comprehensive plan is integrated, inclusive, implementable, scalable, and visionary in anticipating change.
A Values-Driven Approach to Comprehensive Planning
This article was published in the Proceedings of the National Planning Conference held in Boston, MA in April 1998.