Written by Petra Hurtado, Ben Hitchings, and David Rouse, the report addresses the equitable use of smart city technology to enhance livability, sustainability, and resilience.
ProAct Now: Prepare Effectively for Change
Ben Hitchings, FAICP, principal of Green Heron Planning, LLC, and I are pleased to announce a new consulting service designed to assist communities and organizations prepare for change.
Green Infrastructure and Climate Change: A One Water Approach
I co-wrote this article with Scott Turner, PE, AICP, LEED AP ND, Director of Planning at Environmental Partners in Quincy, MA, for the American Planning Association’s Water and Planning Network.
Planning the Hyperconnected City
This post was first published on the Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI) website on March 6, 2020. It provides my thoughts on ESI Thoughtlab’s global research initiative, Building a Hyperconnected City.
What Is Ecological Landscape Design?
Ecological landscape design draws on the principles of landscape ecology to create landscapes that evolve and sustain themselves over time, providing ecosystem services and benefits for people and other species. (Image: Randall’s Island, New York City)
How Can Communities Plan for Technological Change?
This article addresses the disruptive effects of current technological trends and suggests an approach that communities might use to navigate technological change in an increasingly uncertain world. (Image credit: American Planning Association)
What are the implications of autonomous vehicles for urban design practice?
Published online in Routledge’s Journal of Urban Design in November 2019, this commentary by David Rouse explores challenges and opportunities for the urban design profession created by the anticipated deployment of autonomous vehicles over the coming decades.
Green Infrastructure: Salvation or Hype?
Viewed as a system, green infrastructure forms a continuum from green stormwater management at the site scale to a network of natural lands and open space at the scale of the metropolitan region. How effective is green infrastructure as a solution to help communities deal with extreme weather and other impacts of climate change?
What Makes a Comprehensive Plan Effective?
An effective comprehensive plan is integrated, inclusive, implementable, scalable, and visionary in anticipating change.